On Gender
Gender is the constructed identity from the repeated set of actions and interactions an individual has of society.
The basic idea is the following: the common notion definitions of gender (masculine/feminine) are just the rough lines drawn by society. They don't exist outside of the performance, that is to be masculine/feminine is to perform the act, speak, dress and movement. We learn to perform this way from a dominant culture. This is what society calls the 'normal male' or 'normal female' behavior but these normal qualities don't exist at all (or rather we are just mimicking them and are rewarded to do so). We impersonate what a gendered person is, we are taught what it means to be masculine/feminine and adopt those roles and form the belief that its a natural part of who we are.
The normative categorization of males/females is entirely contrived. To fit it, many aspects of the self need be ignored or revised. However as a collective we agree on these rules and form it into a 'law', imposing it onto both ourselves and others. When somebody breaks the contrivance by performing in a way incongruent with their assigned gender we get what Judith Butler calls 'Gender Trouble'. When a boy/girl performs girlish/boyish actions, they are considered to be unusual and are transgressing the law.
Biological sex then is also a category informed by the society's notion of gender. If gender consists of the social meanings that sex assumes then what role is left of 'sex' in society that cannot be explained away by gender? Sex, as a term with utility, can only express that utility via the construction and enforcement of a class. With the associated characteristics being so diverse and unpredictable the categorization sex is very seldom a distinction with merit.
Then it follows that every single person has their own unique 'gender identity' that they experience that society at large 'corrects'. New genders can be thus be 'constructed', new lines can be drawn to explain the individual experiences of a person's lives better. A common example to this is the recent popularity and rise of femboys, who are expressly males but perform actions that are typically associated to be feminine. Those that want to be a femboy have to learn how to 'perform' as one like how one learns to be masculine/feminine, they learn to subsume the femboy culture.