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1 Manifolds



An n-dimensional differentiable manifold M is:

  1. a Hausdorff Topological space.
  2. Equipped with a countable family of pairs (Ui,ϕi) with iI consisting of a countable family of open sets Ui covering M and of countable collection of homeomorphisms ϕi:UiOiRn. Moreover, any two distinct charts (Ui,ϕi) and (Uj,ϕj) are pairwise compatible, i.e. given UiUj, the transition map:

is C on its domain definition.
The chart allows us to give the manifold a coordinate representation!
The set of all charts is called an atlas.


Let M and N be differentiable manifolds of dimension n and m respectively. Consider a map f:MN and two charts (U,ϕ) and (V,ψ) on M and N respectively, so that pUM and f(p)VN, we say that f is differentiable at p if its coordinate representation:

Γ:=ψ  f ϕ1:OURnOVRm, y=Γ(x)=Γ(x1,...,xn)

Note: If f is onto, one-to-one and has a C inverse then f is said to be a diffeomorphism.

Vectors on a Manifold


Let M be a manifold, pM and let F be the set of all C functions from M into R. We define the 'tangent vector' v at point p to be a map v:FR where v satisfies the following two properties:

  1. v is linear i.e. v(af+bg)=av(f)+bv(g)
  2. v obeys the Leibniz rule i.e. v(fg)=f(p)v(g)+g(p)v(f)

The collection of all tangent vectors at p is denoted by Vp and is called the tangent space of p. The space has the structure of a vector space.


Let M be an n-dimensional manifold. Let pM and let Vp denote the tangent space at p. Then dim Vp=n.

Frequently one denotes Xμ as simply /xμ.