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Lecture 07- Connections

Let X be a vector field. It can be used to provide a directional derivative.



Since X is a vector field then it 'eats' a C function and gives you a C function so this may seem to be notational overkill but we can extend X to act on (p,q) tensor fields.

Directional Derivatives of Tensor Fields

A connection (aka linear connection, covariant derivative, affine connection) on a smooth manifold M is a map that takes a pair consisting of a vector (field) X and a (p,q)-tensor field T and sends them to a (p,q)-tensor (field) XT. Satisfying:

  1. Xf=Xf,fC(M)
  2. X(T+S)=XT+XS
  3. X(T(ω,ψ))=X(T)(ω,ψ)+T(Xω,ψ)+T(ω,Xψ). This is for a (1,1)-tensor field but analogously for a (p,q)-tensor field. (Leibniz Rule)
  4. fX+ZT=fXT+ZT for functions fC(M).

A manifold with connection is a quadruple of structures (M,O,A,).
Consider X,Y vector fields:

XY=Xixi(Ymxm)=Xi(xiYm)xm+XiYmxi(xm)=Xi(xiYm)xm+XiYmΓq mi(xq)

Let (M,O,A,), with (U,x)A, then the connection coefficient functions (referring to the Γ's) w.r.t to the chart (U,x) are the dim(M)3 many functions:

Γi jk:URp(dxi(xkxj))(p)

Remark: On a chart domain U its choice of the dim(M)3 functions suffices to fix the action of on a vector field. Fortunately, the same dim(M)3 functions fix the action of on any tensor field.

Commit to memory:
(XY)i=X(Yi)+Γi jmYjXm
(Xω)i=X(ωi)+Γj imωjXm


Let X be a vector field. The divergence of X is the function:


Change of Γ's under change of chart

Let (U,x),(V,y)A and UV:

Γ(y)i jk=dyi(ykyj)=yixqdxq(xp(yk)xpxsyjxs)=yixqxpykxp(xsyj)δsq+yixqxsyjxpykΓ(x)q sp=yixqyk(xsyj)δsq+yixqxsyjxpykΓ(x)q sp

In summary:

Γ(y)i jk=yixqxsyjxpykΓ(x)q sp+yixq2xqykyj

Commit this to memory. This is the change of connection coefficient function under change of chart (UV,x) to (UV,y).

Normal Coordinates

Let pM. Then one can construct a chart (U,x) with pU such that:

Γ(x)i (jk)(p)=0

at the point p. Not necessarily in any neighborhood.

Terminology: (U,x) is called a normal coordinate chart of at pM.