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Project 1

Mark Sukaiti 100064482

Problem 1

a) Let X be a chess board for any pair of squares x,yX, define d(x,y) to be the number of steps that a knight needs to go from x to y. Check if (X,d) is a metric space.
b) Let X be a metric space and the function d1 and d2 are metrics on X. Check if the following are metrics:

(i)) d1+d2(ii)) min(d1,d2)(iii) 13d1+23d2

c) If d(x,y) is a metric on X, show that db(x,y) given by


is also a metric on X.


a) We note that a chessboard can be represented as a graph whose squares are the vertices and an edge connected the vertices v1 and v2 iff a knight can jump from the square associated v1 to the square associated to v2.
We assume that d(x,y) is the minimum number of moves a knight needs to take from x to y, then its clear that d(x,y)>0 with d(x,x)=0. Moreover d(x,y)=d(y,x) is trivially satisfied since if x=x1x2...xn=y is a minimum sequence of moves (that is a sequence of moves whose length is the minimum) then by reversing it we get d(y,x). We only need to show the triangle inequality holds. Assume that x=x1...xn=z is a minimum number of moves needed to go from x to z. Now if y=xi for some 1<i<n then x=x1...xi=y must be a minimum number of moves from x to y since otherwise this contradicts our assumption that the prior sequence is a minimum sequence from x to z (since we can otherwise take a smwhich immediatelyaller sequence), with a similar reasoning the sequence y=xi...xn=z is also a minimum. Thus d(x,z)=d(x,y)+d(y,z). Now if yxi,i then let x=a1...an1=y be a minimum sequence of moves from x to y and y=b1...bn2=z be a minimum sequence of moves from y to z. Now by concatenating these two sequence of moves x=a1...an1b2...bn2=z we have a sequence of moves from x to z. Either this new sequence is of the same length as our original or must be greater since otherwise it contradicts our assumption that x1...xn is a minimum sequence. Thus d(x,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z). Thus indeed d(x,y) is a metric.

b) We shall prove (i) and (iii) by proving the following instead:

()D1=αd1+βd2 is a metric for α,β>0

To prove () since d1 and d2 are metrics and α,β>0 we have that D1(x,y)0 with equality only attained when x=y, and D1(x,y)=D2(y,x) immediately follows from the fact that d1,d2 are symmetric. We just have to show the triangle inequality holds. Let x,y,zX:


For (ii), we shall show it is not a metric using a counter example. Let d1 and d2 be the following (with d(x,y)=min(d1,d2)):


Then let x=(1,0),z=(0,1),y=(0,0). Then d(x,z)>1 since d1(x,z)=d2(x,z)=110000+1>1. However notice that d(x,y)=d1(x,y)=1/100 and likewise for d(x,z) that is:


i.e, the triangle inequality doesn't hold. So in general the minimum of two metrics is not a metric.

To prove c we shall prove instead the following:


Let d(x,y) be a metric on X and f:R×RR be a function that satisfies the following properties:

  1. f(0,0)=0
  2. f(x,y)0,x,y0
  3. f(x1+x2,y)=f(x1,y)+f(x2,y)
  4. ddxf(x,x)0,x0
  5. yf(x,y)0,x,y0
    Then f(d(x,y),d(x,y)) is a metric on X.

Define df(x,y)=f(d(x,y),d(x,y)), then by the symmetry of d(x,y) we immediately get that df(x,y)=df(y,x), and moreover by property (1) and (2) of f we guarantee that df(x,y)0 and equality is only attained when x=y. Thus we only have to prove the triangle inequality but this immediately follows since d is a metric we have d(x,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z) thus:

df(x,z)=f(d(x,z),d(x,z))f(d(x,y)+d(y,z),d(x,y)+d(y,z)) (Since f(x)=f(x,x) is an non-decreasing function by property (4))=f(d(x,y),d(x,y)+d(y,z))+f(d(y,z),d(x,y)+d(y,z)) (Since f is linear in its first slow by property (3))f(d(x,y),d(x,y))+f(d(y,z),d(y,z)) (Since f is non-increasing in its second slot by property (5))=df(x,y)+df(y,z)

(c) is a metric.


Take f(x,y)=x1+y and use the proposition above.

Problem 2

Show that for all x,y,z in a metric space (X,d)


Let x,y,zX then by the triangle inequality we have:




Thus by (1)+(2) we have proven

Problem 3

A set C in a vector space V is called convex if for every pair of points x,yC and for every λ[0,1], it holds:


Prove that any any ball in a normed space X is convex.


Let Bz(r) be a closed ball in X of radius r centered at a point z. Let x,yBz(r) then we have that:


We are interested in the point λx+(1λ)y:

Problem 4

Two norms ·1and ·2 on a vector space V are said to be equivalent if there exists positive constants c1 and c2 such that for all xV :


Prove that two any norms in a finite dimensional space X are equivalent.


Let X be an n-dimensional normed space and let ei be a basis. We fix one of the metrics ||a||1=||i=1naiei||=i=1n|ai| . Then notice that any other norm ||||2 is continuous with respect to ||||1:
Let ϵ>0 then we have that:

| ||x||2||a||2|||xa||2i=1n|xiai| ||ei||2||xa||1 max1in(||ei||2)

Thus if we choose δ=ϵmax1in(||ei||2), that is if ||xa||1<δ we have |||x||2||a||2|<ϵ. Thus any metric ||||2 is continuous with respect to our fixed ||||1.
Now let B be the unit ball with respect to the first norm, i.e, if xB then ||x||1=1, then B is compact in a finite dimensional normed space. Thus by Heine Borel, since ||x||2 is continuous it attains a maximum and a minimum on B, i.e if xB, c1,c2 such that:


Now suppose x0, we can take x=1||x||1x, then xB thus we obtain:


Thus every norm is equivalent to ||||1. Now all that is left to show is that equivalence of norms forms an equivalence relation.
Let us define ||||a||||b iff ||.||a is equivalent to ||||b (as defined above). Then its clear that ||||a||||a (reflexivity), and if we have:




Thus we shown if ||||a||||b then ||||b||||a, i.e. the relation is symmetric. Lastly now assume that ||||a||||b and ||||b||||c. Then we have that:


then we have:


Thus ||||a||||c , i.e. , the relation is transitive. Thus it indeed is an equivalence relation thus all norms in a finite dimensional normed space is equivalent since they are all equivalent to ||||1

Problem 5

(a) Prove that the inner product in a normed space X can be recovered from the polarization identity:


(b) Prove that a normed space is an inner product space if and only if the norm satisfies the parallelogram law:


(c) Consider the linear space C[0,1] equipped with the norm

||f||1=01|f(x)| dx

Prove that there is no inner product on C[0,1] that agreed with this norm..


(a) Let x,y be an inner product then:


(b) () If X is an inner product space then:


() Assume that X is a normed space that satisfies the parallelgram law. Then let x,y=14[(||x+y||2||xy||2)i(||x+iy||2||xiy||2)]. We shall show this does indeed define an inner product on the space.

  • Positivity: Let x0, then
  • Conjugate Symmetry:
y,x=14[(||y+x||2||yx||2)i(||y+ix||2||yix||2)]=14[(||y+x||2||yx||2)+i(||y+ix||2||yix||2)]=14[(||y+x||2||yx||2)i(||yix||2||y+ix||2)]=14[(||y+x||2||yx||2)i(|i|2 ||iy+x||2|i|2 ||iyx||2)]=14[(||x+y||2||xy||2)i(||x+iy||2||xiy||2)]=x,y
  • Linearity in the first argument: We first show

Let x,y,zX, then its sufficient to show that:


This is equivalent to:


Applying the parallelogram law on the left gives us:


Which is indeed true since:


To prove αx,y=αx,y, it can be derived from (). From (), it holds if αZ (using induction), but since it holds for Z then it holds for αQ since if α=nm then:


However since |||| is continuous then , is as well, thus αx,y=αx,y must hold for all αR since it holds for all αQ and , is continuous.
(c) Its sufficient to find a counter example, take f(x)=12x, and g(x)=1 then:


Thus the parallelogram law doesn't hold.

Problem 6

Least square approximation. (Reed-Simon II.5) Let X be an inner product space and let x1,...,xN be an orthonormal set. Prove that


is minimized by choosing cn=x,xn


For ease of notation, we shall use Einstein summation. So I am looking to show:


is minimized when ci=x,xi. Thus:

||xcixi||2=xcixi,xcjxj=x,xx,cixicjxj,x+cjxj,cixi=x,xcixi,xcjxj,x+δijcjci=||x||2ci x,xici x,xi+i=1N|ci|2

To minimize this we will differentiate with respect to cj then to cj and set it to 0.
(Note: here we are treating cj independent from cj, that is we are studying the real valued function of the form f(x1,...xN,y1,...,yN)=||x||2xi x,xiyi x,xi+i=1Nxiyi and are trying to find the global minimum, we note that our function is unbounded above that is if xi,yi then f(xi,yi) so its sufficient just to find a point that sets our partials to zero and note that it should be the minimum.)
That is we get a system of 2N equations of the form:

cj(||x||2ci x,xici x,xi+i=1Ncici)=0&cj(||x||2ci x,xici x,xi+i=1Ncici)=0x,xj=cj&x,xj=cj

That is indeed ci=x,xi minimizes our norm. Note if our field is real then x,xi=xi,x.

Problem 7

Show that l equipped with a the norm |||| is a Banach space.


Note that l equipped with the |||| is indeed a normed space. So we just have to check whether l is complete.
Let xn=(x1,n,x2,n,...) be a Cauchy Sequence, that is ϵ>0,NN such that

||xnxm||<ϵ,n,m>Nsupk1 |xk,nxk,m|<ϵ,n,m>N

This implies that for a fixed k0 we have: |xk0,nxk0,m|<ϵ,n,m>N which is just a sequence in R which is a complete space thus yk0R such that xk0,nyk0. Then all thats left to show is that the element y=(y1,y2,...)l, that is supk(yn)<:

Problem 8

Prove that:
(a) If 1p<q<, then lplq and ||x||q||x||p
(b) If x1p<lp then ||x||p||x|| as p.


(a) We shall first show ||x||q||x||p,x=(x1,x2,...)lp.


Thus if xlp then ||x||q||x||p<xlq

(b) Let x1p<lp then xlq for some q>0, thus ||x||n< for all n>q and:


Thus ||x||lim infp||x||p. However notice that:

||x||p=limn(i=1n|xi|p)1plimnn1p supi(|xi|)=supi(|xi|)=||x||

That is, lim supp||x||p||x||. Thus lim supp||x||p||x||lim infp||x||p i.e limp||x||p=||x||