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Lecture 03 - Hilbert Spaces


How the norm affects the shape of the unit sphere on the plane.

Hilbert Space

We know in Rn we can take the scalar product of vectors x,yRn also known as the inner product which allows us to define orthogonality between vectors.


Let V be a vector space, a mapping <,>:V×VR(or C) that satisfies the following properties is called an inner product:

  • x,x0 and x,x=0x=0
  • x,y=y,x
  • λx,y=λx,y
  • x+y,z=x,z+y,z

Let V=Cbounded([a,b]), where [a,b]R

||f||=Maxx[a,b]|f(x)|f,g=abf(x)g(x) dx||f||2=(ab|f(x)|2)12

(Cauchy-Schwarz Bunyakovski Inequality) For x,yV Hilbert space let


Then we have:

|<x,y>|||x|| ||y||

and we have equality if and only if x=λy.


A Hilbert space is a complete inner product space.

Hilbert Space Banach Spaces Complete metric spaces  Inner Product Spaces Normed Spaces Metric Spaces

Parallelogram Identity


A subspace of a normed space (or inner product space), we mean a linear subspace with the same norm (or inner product). We write XY.


  1. Cbounded(X)l(X) where X is a metric space.
  2. Any linear subpsace of Rn or Cn with any of the norms is a subspace.


i) Any closed subspace of a Banach/Hilbert space is complete.
ii) Any complete subspace is closed.
iii) The closure of a subspace is a subspace.