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Lecture 07 - Linear Transformation of a Vector space


Let X,Y be vector spaces. A mapping


is linear if for all x,yX and a,b scalars we have:


Such a linear transformation is uniquely determined on all of X by its action on the basis vectors of X. That is, if S={xα}αA is a basis of X and yα=Txα then for x=k=1mλkxαk we have:


If X and Y are finite dimensional spaces and T:XlinearY where we have BX={x1,...,xm} and BY={y1,...,yn} are basis vectors for their respective spaces then for 1jm,αkj such that:


If T is a linear transformation between two vector spaces X and Y and T is bijective then T is called an isomorphism between X and Y. We say X and Y are isomorphic.

If T is an isomorphism and BX is a basis of X then T(B) is a basis of Y. That is both spaces have the same finite dimension or are both infinite dimensional.


Let T:XlinearY. Then we define the following terms:

  • Kernel of T or null space of T is:
  • Range of T is:
R(T)={yY:y=Tx for some xX}

Recall that T is an isomorphism if


Contraction Mapping Theorem

One of the most important theorems used in applied mathematics which concerns fixed points of a mapping of X into X


A mapping T:XX is a contraction if it is Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant ρ<1. That is ρ[0,1] such that:

d(Tx,Ty)ρ d(x,y)

If ρ=1, then T is called non-expansive.


(Contraction Mapping Theorem) If X is a complete metric space and T is a contraction on X then !xX such that Tx=x.


(Proof of uniqueness)
Assume that we have two different fixed points x1 and x2 then:


Its positive as ρ<1 thus d(x1,x2)=0 i.e. x1=x2
(Existence of fixed point x)
Fix any point x1 inX and define the iteration xn+1=Txn. As X is complete, we want to show {xn}n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in X. Notice that:


Then let m>nN we have:


Now as m,n we have d(xm,xn)0, and as X is complete xX such that limnxn=x.


Consider the ODE


If u is a classical solution of ODE then


Conversely if uC([a,b]) and satisfies (), then u exists, so u is continuous so the ODE holds.


Condition on f:
f Lipschitz w.r.t u:


for some L.


If L|ba|1|ba|<1/L then the contraction mapping provides a unique solution.