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Lecture 09 - Linear Operator Equations

Plaucherel Identity

If f,gL1(Rn), then fgL1(Rn) and fg^=f^g^(2π)n2
For any f inL2(Rn),f^L2(Rn) such that


whenever fL1(Rn)L2(Rn) and


Linear Operator Equations

Given a linear operator T:D(T)XY.
We want to solve:


where T and f is given, i.e. we are looking for u.

If T is one to one (injective), that is if Ker(T)={0X} then we may define the inverse operator T1:


T1 is linear whenever it exists. T1 needs not be bounded even if T is bounded, or it may be bounded even if T is not.


H1([0,1])={f:[0,1]R:fL2([0,1]) & fL2([0,1])}

f is in a weak sense.
The norm ||f||H12=||f||L22+||f||L22


Show that the following linear operators are bounded and find their norms:

  • A:X=C([0,1])C([0,1]) with Ax(t)=0tx(s)ds
  • A:XX with Ax(t)=t2x(0).
  • A:C([1,1])C([0,1]) with Ax(t)=x(t)
  • A:XX with Ax(t)=x(t2)
  • A:C1([0,1])X with Ax(t)=x(t)
  • A:C1([a,b])C[(a,b)] with Ax(t)=ddtx(t)
  • A:Y=L2([0,1])L2([0,1]) with Ax(t)=t01x(s)ds
  • Aλ:YY with Aλx(t)={x(t)tλ0t>λ
  • A:YY with Ax(t)=0tx(τ)dτ
  • A:H1([0,1])H1([0,1]) with Ax(t)=x(t)
  • A:H1([0,1])H1([0,1]) with Ax(t)=tx(t)
  • A:H1([0,1])L2([0,1]) with Ax(t)=tx(t)

For which f does a solution u of Tu=f? In other words what is the range of T and iIf a solution exists, is it unique? If not, how can we describe the set of all solutions?
Let us focus on Hilbert spaces. Let X=Y=Cn, so Tu=Au for some matrix A=akj then R(T) is the column space of A, that is the set of all linear combinations of the columns of A.


where T is the matrix operator with matrix A (the conjugate transpose aka adjoint of A).
A solution of Tu=f exists iff fv for every vKer(T). If {v1,...,vp}=BKer(T), then it is equivalent to requiring f,vk=0 for k=1,..,p. So p consistency conditions on f, which are necessary and sufficient for the existence of a solution of:


So T plays a key role in solving Tu=f. T satisfies the property that Tu,v=u,Tv.