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Lecture 10 - Solvability of Linear Operator Equations

Conditions of the solvability of linear operator equations

We are interested in solving Tu=f for a given T and f, where T is a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space H.


If TB(H) (that is T is bounded operator from H to H), then Ker(T)=R(T)
In particular R(T)=Ker(T)


We know that the R(T)Ker(T) and Ker(T)R(T) . We want to prove that R(T)Ker(T).
Let vR(T), then for any arbitrary uH we have:

u,Tv=Tu,v=0 [Since TuR(T)]

thus Tv=0, i.e, vKer(T).
Note that if EX then E is closed, one can show that E=E thus R(T)=Ker(T)


If TB(H) and T has a closed R(T), then:


That is to say Tu=f has a solution iff fKer(T).


If T is any linear operator, we define the Rank(T)=dim(R(T)), and we say that T is a finite rank operator whenever the Rank(T) is finite.

Recall that any finite dim sub-space is closed.


If TB(H) is a finite rank operator then R(T)=Ker(T).


Let H=L2([0,1]) and


Then R(T)=span{e} where e(x)=x, so Rank(T)=1. Here T is self-adjoint.


so the conclusion of the of corollary is trivial.

In general in L2(Ω), ΩRN with


with K(x,y)=k=1Mφk(x)ψk(y) for some φk,ψkL2(Ω). We assume that φk,ψk are linearly independent. In this case:


So R(T)=span{φk}, so that rank(T)=M. The condition fKer(T) amounts to requiring infinitely many consistency conditions since Ker(T) has infinite dimension.
Since Ker(T) is always a closed subspace, R(T)=Ker(T) can only hold if T has a closed range. The range is generally not always closed.

Fredholm operators and the Fredholm alternative


TB(H) is of Fredholm type (a.k.a a Fredholm operator) if

  • Ker(T),Ker(T) are both finite dimensional.
  • R(T)=R(T)
    For such an operator we define the index of T, as
ind(T)=dim Ker(T)dim(Ker(T))

Fredholm operators of index 0 will be the most important. If one can show that an operator T belongs to this class, then we obtain immediately the conclusion:


In other words Tu=f has at most one solution for any fH to the property that Tu=f has at least one solution. This is clear since if we have uniqueness then dim(Ker(T))=0=dim(Ker(T)) and since R(T)=Ker(T), thus R(T) is the entire space.


Let TB(T) be a Fredholm operator of index 0. Then, either

  1. Ker(T)=Ker(T)={0} and Tu=f has a unique solution for every fH
  2. dim Ker(T)=dim Ker(T)=M>0 then the equation Tu=f has a solution iff f satisfies M compatibility conditions. fKer(T) and the general solution of Tu=f can be written as