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Lecture 12 - Lax Milgram

Lax Milgram Theorem

Let (H,.,.,|| ||) be a Hilbert space and a continuous, coercive bilinear form on H×H

a:H×HR (or C)

α,c>0 such that

|a(u,v)|c||u||v||a(u,u)α||u||2 for any u,vH

and l a continuous, linear form on H. Then !uH such that vHa(u,v)=l(v). If a is also symmetric, then u is the unique minimum of:


l is a continuous linear form on H, hence by the representation theorem of Riesz, !f such that vH,


Also, as a is continuous, for uH, the map va(u,v) is a continuous linear form on H:!auH such that for any vH a(u,v)=v,au
Let A:uHauH. We have to show that !uH such that Au=f.
It suffices to show that A:HH is bijective.
Injectivity: For u,vH, λR we have:


i.e A is linear. Moreover uH

||Au||2=Au,Av=a(Au,u)c||Au|| ||u||||Au||c||u||A is continuous

Now, from the coercivity of a, we deduce that uH u,Au=a(u,u)α||u||2. Where upon if Au=0||u||=0u=0 i.e Ker(A)={0}. We deduce that Im(A) is closed. In fact if {vn}n=1={Aun}n=1in(Im(A))nvH we have:

α||upuq||2a(upuq,upuq)upuq,A(upuq)||vpvq|| ||upuq||α||upuq||||vpvq||

Hence (un) is a Cauchy sequence in H converges to uH. Then by continuity Au=Alimnun=limnAun=vIm(A). That is the image is closed.
Surjectivity: It suffices to verify that


Let v(Im(A))v,Au=0a(u,v)=0 uHv=0.
We proved that A is bijective. In particular, !uH such that vH,a(u,v)=l(v). Let a be symmetric then a(u,v)=a(v,u). Then, for vH let J(u)=12a(u,u)l(u)


i.e v=0 minimizes our function, that is u+0=u is our unique minimizer.