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Lecture 14 - Weak Convergence

In general closed bounded sets are not compact. In particular closed balls are not compact. So if (xn) is a bounded sequence in such a space then we cannot say that a convergent subsequence, thus can we use some different notion of convergence to get some limit that we can find useful?

Direct Method of Calculus of Variations

We are interested in minimizing some functional E:A[0,).
We want to take (xn)A such that E(xn)infA E. Our aim is to ensure ||xn|| bounded.
We hope that (xn) has a subsequence that converges in some way for some x and show that xA and E(x)=MinxA E(x).

Hahn-Banach Theorem

Let (X,||||X) be a Banach space, we denote all linear continuous functions on X by (X,||||X) is large. We look to a subspace UX and add a continuous linear functional only defined on U, i.e. , u:UK . Then of an extension of u such that:

x: XKx|U=u||x||X=||u||U

Let (X,||||X) be a normed space.
a) xX,x0xX such that ||x||X=1 and x(x)=||x||X
b) X separates points of X i.e. for x1,x2X x1x2xX such that x(x1)x(x2)


x,yX with xyfX such that f(x)f(y).


Let X be a normed space, (xn) a sequence in X. We say (xn) converges weakly to xX if fX we have f(xn)f(x).
We denote weak convergence either with xnwx or xnx.


l2(C) with e(n) standard basis.


We claim that en0. Its clear that en0

What could be wrong with L2(R)?


Let gn=χ[0,1n]n . Notice that ||gn||L2=01nn2dx=10.
We claim gn0.