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Lecture 01 - Regular Curves


A regular curve is a C function r(t):IRn such that r(t)0.

Locally (and globally since we are working on Rn) we can express the coordinates of r(t)=(x1(t),...,xn(t)). We call r(t) the velocity and |r(t)| the speed.


Arc length is defined to be:


We interpret r(s), parametrized by arclength s, as the trajectory of a particle moving through 3-dimensional space. Since we are interested in curves with nonzero speed everywhere, we can always reparametrize to have unit speed; then the parameter coincides with arc length along the curve, denoted by s. Moreover, a parameterized space curve is a parameterized curve taking values in 3-dimensional Euclidean space.


Let r(t)=(cos(et),sin(et)), then one can obtain that s(t)=et1
We can rearrange the latter formula to obtain t(s)=log(s+1) giving us r(t(s))=(cos(s+1),sin(s+1))

r(s) is regular even though r(t) may not.


Given any regular curve r(t), one can always reparameterize it by its arc-length.
Then, t can be regarded as a C function of s, and the reparameterize curve r(s)=r(t(s)) is regular with:




Let r(s), be an arc-length parameterized curve in Rn, the curvature is defined by:


The curvature κ at a point s measures the deviation of the curve from linearity. The reciprocal of the curvature 1κ(s) is called the curvature radius. For example, a circle
with radius r has a constant curvature of κ(s)=1r whereas a line has a curvature of 0.


Let r(s)=(Rcos(sR),Rsin(sR)), then κ(s)=1R which matches our intuition that the smaller the radius the larger the curvature.


Let r(s), be a curve parameterized by arc length, then the velocity r(s) and acceleration r(s) is always orthogonal for any sI.


|r(s)|=1 giving us that dds|r(s)|2=0
That is dds(r(s)r(s))=0r(s)r(s)=0.


Given any regular curve r(t)R3 the curvature as a function of t can be computed by the following formula:
