Lecture 06 - Cosserat Rod
We define what we call the rigid body Poisson bracket:
We want to prove the Jacobi Identity:
Let satisfy , then:
Which indeed does satisfy the Jacobi bracket.
Eulers Equation of Incompressible Fluid
Cosserat Rod
Rod is embedded in spatial frame as the vector space spanned by the neighborhood of orthonormal triads .
We have the body frame :
We have (that is the body frame is a rotation of the orthonormal triad), thus:
Where .
Second set of strain associated with shearing and extensions
If the rod is inextensible then
If the rod is unshearable we have:
The strain energy density function associated with the rod becomes:
where are from the reference configuration.
Doing the variational calculus , we obtain:
Thus we obtain finally our Cosserat Rod equation: