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Lecture 09 - Surface


Let M be a 2-dimensional surface embedded in a 3-dimensional space (or in general you can also embed it in any higher dimensional space). We want to assign a coordinate system on this surface and to do this we cover the surface in patches (which we will denote by Uα) who we can 'locally' map out flatly on R2 (with a function σ:UR2M) one can imagine the surface of the earth where we have flat maps only for local regions. These local maps are called 'charts'.

The above idea encapsulates the idea of a manifold but only for 2 dimensional surfaces. Now let us take another surface N (with V as our chart and τ as our function from R2 to N) with the same structure and we have a function f:MN then notice that τ1fσ is a function from R2R2 thus we can use regular calculus on it.


A surface is a Hausdorff topological space which is locally homeomorphic to R2.


Surfaces: R2, any open set in R2, sphere, hyperboloid
Not surfaces: Double Cone (the cone with the vertex removed).



If X is a surface, U an open set of X (a patch) and V is a open set of the plane R2. Let:


is called a chart. A collection of charts (φα:UαVα) is called an atlas.


  1. We have the unit sphere (with the north pole removed) as our surface and the stereographic projection is our atlas.
  2. We take the same unit sphere S2:{(x,y,z)R3:x2+y2+z2=1} then we have the chart:

It covers MOST of the sphere but we lose information at (some) points to overcome this we can simply add more charts:



Now let ϕ:UV and ϕ:UV be two charts with some overlap (that is UU) then we have a transition map:


A surface is orientable if it possesses an atlas from which all the transition maps are orientation preserving.

Mobius strip is not orientable



Any orientable closed surface is homeomorphic to a torus with g holes with g0.