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Lecture 10 - First Fundamental Form


Let SR3 be a regular surface. Let p be a point on the surface S. We say TpS is the set of all tangent vectors at p of S. TpS is called the tangent space of S at p and is the vector subspace of R3 spanned by the vectors Xu,Xv.

A tangent vector at pS can be obtained from curves γ(t) passing through p. If σ is your mapping from R2S then your tangent vector T has the representation:


That is if γ(t)=X(u(t),v(t)), where X:R2S then γt=Xuut+Xvvt is a tangent vector of p (if evaluated at p). The following example should help clarify this notation:


Let S be the round unit sphere embedded in R3 the surface we are considering. Then γ(t)=(cos(t),sin(t),0) is a curve on the sphere that passes through (1,0,0), but this representation is not unique and depends on the chart we assign to the sphere. One could instead consider the same curve but instead work on a spherical coordinate system and then the curve γ(t) would have the representation γ(t)=(1,π2,t). Thus our tangent vector's representation depends on the coordinate system.
The tangent vector associated with γ(t) under the regular cartesian coordinate system has representation:


While under the spherical coordinate system is:


This is not all that surprising. These are indeed the same tangent vectors. To check a special property of vectors is that we can apply on functions to get a scalar value. Lets take f(p)=x2+y2+z2 which is equivalent to f(p)=r2 and let us evaluate this on p=(1,0,0) (which is t=0 for both the cartesian and spherical representation of the curve). Then the tangent vector T(1,0,0) under the cartesian coordinate system applied to f is:


While under the spherical coordinate system p=(1,π2,0) thus we get:


So thus indeed the action of the tangent vector on the scalar field is the same despite different representations!

Do note that we cannot compare tangent vectors on different points of the manifold. That is if you have a tangent vector aTp and another vector bTq where pq then you cannot say anything about the relationship of a and b.

Note: (Write about what the basis of the tangent space here)


The normal vector at p is defined to be:


Orientable Surface


Let S be a regular surface in R3. Let it be covered by a collection of coordinate patches Xi:Xi:UiR3. Now we have that:


We say S is orientable if qUiUj we have Ni(q)=Nj(q).


S is orientable if the transition maps have a positive Jacobian.

First Fundamental Form


Let S be a regular surface, pS. The first fundamental form, Ip(,) is the restriction of the usual dot product in R3 to the tangent plane, i.e:


Let a,bTpS with the following representation:




Now let g11=XuXu,g12=g21=XuXv,g22=XvXv then we can represent our first fundamental form as a symmetric matrix:


This is know as the quadratic form.

Let du,dv be the dual vectors of Xu,Xv.

Now suppose a=λXu+μXv, then we can represent the first fundamental form in the following way:


We write the first fundamental form in the following manner:


This is know as the line element.
Arc length formula over the interval [t0,t1] can be expressed as:


Suppose X~(α,β) is a reparameterization of X(u,v) with first fundamental form given by:


Then X(u,v)=X~(α(u,v),β(u,v)) we can compute E~,F~,G~ from E,F,G. (homework)


Let S1 and S2 be two surfaces, and f:S1S2 be a smooth map. f is called a local isometry if it takes any curve in S1 to a curve of the same length in S2.


A smooth map is a local isometry iff the symmetric bilinear form <>p and f<>p are equal for all pS1.


If S1 and S2 are surfaces, a conformal map f:S1S2 is a local diffeomorphism such that γ1, γ2 are two curves on S1 that intersect at pS1 if γ1,~γ2~ are their images under f, the angle of intersection of γ1,γ2 at p is equal to the angle of intersection of γ1~,γ2~ at f(p).