The first fundamental form describes the intrinsic geometry, while the second fundamental form describes how the surfaces is embedded in a higher dimension.
First take a surface and we push it inwards a distance along its normal to get a one parameter family of surfaces:
Thus we obtain:
Computing the first fundamental form for this surface , computing the rate of change of the first fundamental form (and multiplying by half) we obtain:
That is we obtain the second fundamental form by looking at how the first fundamental form changes w.r.t a deformation of pushing the surface in the direction of the normal!
Gauss Map
Let be a surface . When we have as its normal. Then what we are doing is defining a Gauss map. That is we are defining the map:
Where assigns each point on the surface to a unit vector orthogonal to its surface. We can naturally extend this map on the tangent space of a point to obtain:
Now notice that if we take for :
Notice that this is self adjoint, that is:
We can write .
Let be a regular orientable surface of . A point on is called:
Elliptic if
Hyperbolic if
Parabolic if but not all
If for all then its called plane/flat.
Gaussian curvature is defined by:
We can write and thus:
where .
and . Where is called the mean curvature. Where are called the principle curvatures (they are simply the eigenvalues of the matrix.)
Show the following facts:
Principle curvature are roots of the equation:
Let be a surface with isothermal parameterization (that is ) then is minimal (that is ) iff